Located in a picturesque setting, Gunalda State School provides a world class education to approximately 37 students ranging from Prep to Year 6. Every day our students engage in exciting curriculum activities to meet individual learning needs. Our staff are committed to delivering a consistent and enriching program that develops students skills, knowledge and talents so that they may achieve their ambitions, realise their goals and unique qualities as individuals. We look forward to working, in partnership, with you and your family to ensure that your child develops to their full potential and has the opportunity to become successful ‘life-long learners'.
The Principal
Our Principal is Mrs Danni Olzard (Whittaker)
The purpose of Gunalda State School is to create:
“A safe, tolerant and disciplined environment within which young people prepare to be active and reflective Australian citizens with a disposition to lifelong learning. Students of the Gunalda State School community will be able to participate in and shape community, economic, and political life in Queensland and the nation. They will be able to engage confidently with other cultures at home and abroad.” (QSE 2010)
Our mission
The mission of Gunalda State School is to empower our students with the knowledge and skills of life-long learning and embrace life’s challenges as Active and Informed Citizens for a Sustainable World
Our philosophy – Nurturing growth
The philosophy of Gunalda State School – ‘Nurturing Growth’ is based on four key ideas:
At Gunalda State School, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment, where inclusive and engaging curriculum and teaching is paramount. We believe that enhanced outcomes are achieved by initiating and maintaining constructive communication and relationships with students and their caregivers;
At Gunalda State School, we believe all members of the Gunalda State School community will conduct themselves in a lawful, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects the rights of others;
At Gunalda State School, we believe caregivers should show an active interest in their child’s schooling and cooperate with the school to achieve the best outcomes for their child. Caregivers are expected to support school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all; and
At Gunalda State School, students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and behaviour, and actively participate in the educational program provided. Students must demonstrate respect for themselves, other members of the school community and the environment. All students will behave in a manner that respects the rights of others, including the right to learn. Students will cooperate with all members of staff.